FaxPress Premier WebHelp: Admin Guide > Setting Up the FaxPress Enterprise Redundant Server > Using Remote Desktop

Using Remote Desktop

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Microsoft’s Remote Desktop feature, enabled by default on the FaxPress Enterprise Redundant, allows you to access the Enterprise Redundant’s Embedded Windows operating system from any other network workstation with Remote Desktop installed. The Remote Desktop feature is installed by default on Windows XP machines, and is optional on other Windows operating systems. See your Microsoft documentation for information on using Remote Desktop.

The FaxPress Enterprise Redundant allows two remote desktop sessions at a time. Only two administration sessions can be active at the same time.

To set the Enterprise Redundant IP address using Remote Desktop, follow these steps:

1. From any network workstation with Remote Desktop enabled, go to Start>All Programs>Accessories>Communications> Remote Desktop Connection.
2. In the Remote Desktop Connection Screen, in the Computer field, enter the FaxPress Enterprise Redundant’s current IP address.
3. Click Connect.
4. Enter Administrator in the Windows screen’s User Name field, and castelle in the Password field. Make sure castelle is all lower case.

The monitor, now functioning as a remote terminal for the Enterprise Redundant’s system, will display the Enterprise Redundant’s system rather than the local system attached directly to the monitor.

Changing the Enterprise Redundant’s IP Address Using Remote Desktop

To change the FaxPress Enterprise Redundant’s IP addresses using Remote Desktop, first use Remote Desktop as described above to connect to the FaxPress Enterprise Redundant’s Windows system, then go to Start>Settings>Control Panel>Network and Dialup Connections>Local Area Connection Properties>Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties.

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FaxPress Enterprise & Enterprise Redundant WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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